Prayer really is an unnatural action. The notion of reliance on another, unseen being flys in the face of our personal value of self-reliance. However, for many, we have come to a place in our lives, at least, where at a point of desperate crisis, we have called out to God. Hopefully, for some, this action has become a lifestyle habit.
Wherever you are in the process, prayer is the most essential aspect of a follower of Christ. Beginning in the month of January, we will be focusing on prayer. Join in the preparation by commenting on your thoughts regarding prayer.
When you think of prayer, what comes to mind? Have you had any questions regarding prayer? When you try to pray what happens? How has prayer helped you in a crisis? Has prayer become so real to you that you could never let it go? Have you wondered how prayer really works? Have you wondered how you are supposed to pray?
Wherever you are in the process, prayer is the most essential aspect of a follower of Christ. Beginning in the month of January, we will be focusing on prayer. Join in the preparation by commenting on your thoughts regarding prayer.
When you think of prayer, what comes to mind? Have you had any questions regarding prayer? When you try to pray what happens? How has prayer helped you in a crisis? Has prayer become so real to you that you could never let it go? Have you wondered how prayer really works? Have you wondered how you are supposed to pray?
Over the years, many p[rayers that I've tracked bring results that clearly are of God, even though the specific answer or timing was not what I expected. Your call to Bethel is a fine example of God answering petitions better than we can request them. What sometimes rattles me though is God's silence. For example there might be a clear need for deliverance but the deliverance doesn't come. Some might see this as unanswered prayer. Others maintain this is a proof that God either doesn't exist or doesn't hear us. Even if you take the biblical perspective (see Job for example), the silence is hard. What do you suggest in these trying periods?
I agree with what Bob said. It is often very hard to see God's work in a situation when we don't see progress done from our perspective, especialy when we know God's promises and how much He cares for and loves us. And at times, it does get disparaging and leads people to question their faith. Those are very hard times to be in, even for the long time christians that have seen the evidence of God many, many times in their lives.
When speaking about prayer, a question that comes to mind has always been, what exactly is prayer, and how is it supossed to be performed? This is especialy important to the new beleiver who has never before encountered prayer. I am curious as to how you define prayer, does it have to always be time alone with God in the dark, stillness, and quite? Or could it be something as easy as a thought directed towards God or a thought with a Godly dessire in mind? And when speaking to a curious new beleiver, how would you structure a prayer for them to use as a guideline or a model?
Another topic in regards to prayer that I have been curious about, and have had to deal with personaly in my own life is, are prayers worth anything (i.e. recognized by God), if they are just a regurgitation of a collection of words that we have become comfortable with, without any personal meaning or connection or even thought as to what the prayer is saying? For example, in my experiance, the Lord's prayer as a ritualistic experiance or prayers said over dinner as an acceptable transition to stuffing our faces. Are they even worth the air that is used to speak them? In your opinion, does God hear and acknowledge, and bless repetative prayers like that?
Prayer is purposeful. Prayer is one of two ways that we communicate or commune with God while the other is reading or meditating in and on His word. Prayer is petitioning God for his attention. We pray to recognize God for who he is, to thank Him for what He has done generally (creation of the universe) or specifically (healing), to humble ourselves for our unworthiness, to ask Him to forgive us for our habitual shortcomings, to help us or others through a time of suffering, testing, or temptation, to empower us with the continual presence and power of His Spirit, and give us the basic needs of our lives to name a few. According to Unger’s Bible Dictionary, “Prayer is the expression of man's dependence upon God for all things.”
Prayer is power. It allows us to enter into the presence of God without any intercessor. I may pray directly, speak directly to the Creator of all things, the Judge of all men. I can stand in his presence spiritually and talk to him about our relationship, His power, love, and mercy and my unworthiness. Yet it is His power that empowers me to serve Him. Ephesians 1:18-19 says, “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe.”
Prayer is personal. My personal request is to a personal God who knows me and loves me as no other can. He is all wise. In His perfect wisdom He makes the right decision at the right time for me. Could we ask for more. “Prayer is request to a personal Lord who answers as He knows best. We should not think that we will always have success in obtaining the things for which we ask. In His wisdom, God hears and answers in the way that is best.” (From Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary)
Todd ~ this is my first time reading your blog ~ as I read your words on prayer of course my heart is touched. Then I gaze upon the picture you choose to attach and absorbe that it was my mother's favortie picture ~ and then I note the date that you wrote the blog ~ Todd, it was my mother's birth date. I am not sure how this all ties together but I trust that God has a reminder within it that prayer is ALWAYS His desire. Long ago a group of mothers began a prayer ministry to support you and the youth of New Hope ~ it is a blessing to see how God has used that. I continue in a quest to point all toward Christ ~ thank you Todd for sharing your heart on this blog ~ blessings to you and yours ~ Nadine Gunther
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