Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Are all difficulties a direct result of Satanic attack?

I was recently asked a very good question that I wanted to post here.

Hi Pastor Todd!!
so i have a question. I have been noticing lately that a lot of ppl attribute just about anything negative in their lives to the devil. Sickness, heartache, trials...etc... I know that there are times when things are a direct attack from the enemy but i was wondering when did we adopt the idea that "everything" was one? and then is that a biblical based belief?

I'll give you a simple answer then I will give a deeper explanation. When something negative happens there are many different emotions or thoughts that we could have. The right way of thinking about this, is to ask God what He is wanting us to understand about His character or about our character. If it is a tragedy, a consequence, an accident, illness, mishap or forgotten set of keys. All things should be funneled through the intimate, unique and powerful relationship with our Heavenly Father.

Ok so maybe that wasn't quite as simple as I thought...but here's the meat of the answer.

James 1 tells us that the testing of our faith works to make us complete...not lacking anything. So here in the very infancy of trouble suggests that God is at work in all situations to make us more like Christ. There are verses such as Romans 8:38-39 that tell us that nothing is more powerful in our lives than God's love for us. So, regardless of the circumstance surrounding how or why the trial occurs, the response should still remain the same.

We do know as in the example of Job or Paul's thorn that at times Satan's agents are at work around us. Satan is not omnipresent so, he can only be in one place at one time...granted, he could move really fast from place to place, but he most likely is focused on much more important people/areas in the world than what we'll ever deal with. However, the agents of Satan are alive and at work.

Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives has conquered Satan and death. But Satan and his agents are going to do everything they can to bring us down with them...they already know their destiny. But God promises to make all things work together for those who are seeking and striving for Him. In the end...Satan's agents may be at work, but God's power is greater...and God is always trying to teach us something new in each situation.

So, if it means my faith will be strengthened then I have hope even in the darkest struggle or trial in life...because my hope is in Christ who already purchased my pardon and given me eternal life.

Ultimately if we were to blame anyone it would be Adam & Eve. Because through them sin entered the world and all pain, suffering, trials and death. So, there may be times when something is a direct result of an agent of Satan, however, most of what we deal with in life is a result of sin in the world and/or sin in our lives. We are failed beings in need of a Savior!