Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Prayer really is an unnatural action. The notion of reliance on another, unseen being flys in the face of our personal value of self-reliance. However, for many, we have come to a place in our lives, at least, where at a point of desperate crisis, we have called out to God. Hopefully, for some, this action has become a lifestyle habit.

Wherever you are in the process, prayer is the most essential aspect of a follower of Christ. Beginning in the month of January, we will be focusing on prayer. Join in the preparation by commenting on your thoughts regarding prayer.

When you think of prayer, what comes to mind? Have you had any questions regarding prayer? When you try to pray what happens? How has prayer helped you in a crisis? Has prayer become so real to you that you could never let it go? Have you wondered how prayer really works? Have you wondered how you are supposed to pray?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Questions regarding a Biblical foundation for marriage-


Thanks for stopping by. This past Sunday we took a look at God's view of marriage through His communication of the issue in the Bible. In preparation for next Sunday's message if you have any additional questions or have heard any compelling ideas regarding this issue please post below. I would like to take time this upcoming Sunday, Nov. 2 to address any of these questions.

God Is Good...
